Sunday, June 17, 2012

Projects 9,10, and Scav

Here are some terrible 2-minute photos of things I spent hours working on.

There was another one, but it fell off my wrist. Woe.
This finally got done, now all it needs is a frame.  And an iron.

Scav: There is something amiss in this Kinkade painting. 

Scav: take a thrift store painting and make it a painting about your scav team's undiluted awesome.
aka: all the items you've ever done.

Oh, and I've also been cleaning like nobody's business.


More on this topic can be found on my new tumblr, but fair warning: while I try to make this blog benignly grandma-friendly, my tumblr will not be. Let's be honest, any cleaning project of that size is going to involve some heated language.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Project 8: Blue Tiered Earrings

So, I made some rad earrings, using some beads I bought in San Francisco over last spring break.

I discovered early on that their holes were too big to not slip over the seed beads I was trying to use as separators, so I did a little glue hacking.

Yo Dawg
Yo dawg I herd you like beads, so I glued a bead in your bead so you can bead with this bead.

Et voila.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project 7: Embellished Skirt, de- and re-embellished


I picked up this skirt at the Super Cheapo Thrift the other half-off-everything sale, despite that it was covered in sequins. Some of which were actually melted, it seemed? But the print underneath was nice.


So I de-sequinned it, and added on some slightly nicer baubles.



It looks a lot nicer now, since the silvery sequins weren't really doing anything for it.  It's high-waisted, too, so that's nice and a little more versatile than drawstrings and elastic and such.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Project 6: Boot Support

There's a tiny tear in my beloved solid winter boots, but I haven't repaired it yet. Until then, I have created a way to provide the boots support when they're being stored: I think the tear originated from the stress of being stored over the summer folded over. Thus, this way they won't befall the same fate, nor strain the current rip.


Project 5: Color Coded

I needed a way to be able to see all the colors of embroidery floss that I had, so I took a nice gift box someone gave me and a lot of cereal boxes and solved my problem.

It's not perfect, because color can't be arranged along one axis like that, but it serves my purposes. Well, I can't rearrange swatches quite as easily when finding a collection to use, unfortunately, but at least I know all of what I've got. The extra space is well utilized for my thread scissors, extra thread cards, and whatever colors I've pulled out for my current/next project.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 4: Impossible Earrings!

These earrings weren't impossible, obviously: I completed them. But they did take several incarnations to reach a point at which I felt I could give them to somebody as a gift. Several.

The Kid Sister, known to all and sundry as Goose, is obsessed with peacock feathers, and I'm obsessed with making perfect things based on half-baked ideas.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project 3: 99 Problems

But this cross-stitch ain't one, finally.

(Actually, this was done some time ago, like, maybe even a whole week ago, but things got a little hairy there for a little while.)

It's a present for Scott, for Giftmas, and it's also my very first cross-stitch.

It's not framed yet, obvs. (like I'm that on top of things? I have things still in their shipping envelopes for want of a frame.)

The quote is a play on "The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat" line from Cats,  as sung by Scott to our two kitties. The pawprints play on another line he frequently says, regarding Ada's pink pawpads.

I'm super pleased by it, and want to do more. I've accumulated quite a Pinterest board about it!
